At the end we have made it our mission to expand our ideas to a next level were the entire society with no discrimination gets to enjoy our service and contributes in making the world a better place we are designing a artificially intelligent network which can analyze the data giver and help us improve our waste management game by making it interactive and fun we would have a personal assistant software for every hose hold that would have algorithm that would help and give them ideas in how to manage their waste and make it competitive by compareing them with their friends and making it fun In this stage we will widely distribute the algorithm over a huge area that makes the management of data more easy and improves waste management affecting our life
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AI can be used a service based manager which helps to understand each users ability to generate waste and helps in generaeing manageble waste generation moduels
AI can also store your day to day wasteage of waterr,electricity,and waste hence make it sustainable and hece helping in reduceing waste
As AI is collecting and building ore data base there is a lot of data in collection that can help th ewaste collection teams to be more efficient